Woodworking is a fascinating endeavor. There are over a dozen types of woodworking from furniture making to carving to turning and specialties within each type. I’ve been a woodworker for over 50 years but a serious woodworker since about 2000. To support woodworkers I am on the board of four woodworking related organizations that focus on education, safety and promotion of the art, especially for the young.
Guild of Oregon Woodworkers – Over 1000 members specializing in furniture making. Treasurer for 6 years, President for 2 years, Communication Director for 2 years, and current Webmaster
Northwest Woodturners – Close to 300 members specializing in wood turning. Current President and Webmaster, past Treasurer.
Oregon Carvers Guild – Formed in 2019 to address the needs of carvers as the previous club was disbanded. A small group of us started the club and are currently recruiting new members, instructors and demonstrators. I am Vice President and Webmaster.
Gathering of the Guilds – This annual show draws up to 18,000 people with up to 350 vendors from 6 diverse art guilds. I was President for 5 years, and then formed an LLC to run the show. Roles include Treasurer and currently Secretary.